| Fedora Project - An open source project sponsored by Red Hat and supported by the Fedora community. It is also a proving ground for new technology that may eventually make its way into Red Hat products... |
 | Emergency - It is an international NGO which carries out several tasks: it provides surgical attendance to the victims of conflicts; it defends the human rights of people suffering from the social consequences of wars, hunger, poverty, marginalization... |
 | Rockit - Italian webzine dedicated to Italian rock, with interviews, book reviews, articles and information about the concerts throughout Italy. |
 | Tapirulan - Tapirulan is an Italian cultural association composed by a group of boys who have decided of giving life to a plan, more plans: giving space to the artists... |
 | ViaCast.TV - VebCast.TV is a new generastion Web television, that it goes in the world of music offering to the artist an innovative and efficient service... |
 | Oxfam International - gives a voice to the farmers, labourers, and factory workers who are being cheated by the blatantly unfair rules of world trade. And it gives a voice to you, the consumer, if... |
 | Medici Senza Frontiere onlus - MSF is a private international association born in order to offer sanitary aid to the populations in danger and to testify against the violations of human rights it has to front during its missions. MSF is independent, it isn't bound to either political or religious confessions, it doesn't act for the sake of gain... |
 | Emmaus International - An international movement to fight against extreme poverty and its causes. A fundamental principle: "Serve first those who suffer most", whoever it be and without any form of discrimination. A common objective: Work with and for the poor, by fighting against the causes of extreme poverty. |
 | Stop Global Warming - There is no more important cause than the call to action to save our planet. This is a movement about change, as individuals, as a country, and as a global community. We are all contributors to global warming and we all need to be part of the solution. Join the 551,866 supporters of the Stop Global Warming Virtual March, and become part of the movement to demand solutions to global warming now. |
 | Amnesty International - We are ordinary people from across the world standing up for humanity and human rights. Our purpose is to protect individuals wherever justice, fairness, freedom and truth are denied. During much of our history, our campaigning has focused on prisoners, but we have responded to the changing patterns of human rights violations in the world. |
 | Friends of the Earth: The Big Ask - The Big Ask campaign is about tackling the biggest question the world faces - how do we stop dangerous climate change? It is about helping you get answers to this difficult question. Take action! |